Control Hazard and Operability Study (CHAZOP) is a procedure for carrying the safety and reliability analysis of existing or planned Control and Computer systems. The technique is similar to, and has been adopted from the Hazard and Operability analysis (HAZOP) procedure that is widely used and is very successful for process plants. The execution of a CHAZOP can take several forms depending on the focus and goal of the study. A CHAZOP can be performed to support the overall process hazard analysis or to determine the reliability of the control system, in addition it can be executed with several different techniques. The variety of choices can be managed by careful preparation and setting clear objectives.
exida’s staff are effective CHAZOP facilitators, guiding you through the preparation, execution, and follow-up to make your CHAZOP successful and efficient. The exSILentia® PHAx™ software is used to efficiently conduct the CHAZOP study, using smart deviations and a data core based library of causes, safeguards, recommendations, etc.