
exida explains Blog

Back to Basics 17 - PFH (Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour)

Back to Basics 17 - PFH (Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour)

PFH (Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour) is the probability that a system will fail dangerously, and not be able to perform its safety function when required. PFH can be determined as a probability or maximum probability over a time period of an hour. IEC 61508 and Read More...

Evaluating Alarm System Performance in a Multi-Operator Control Room

Evaluating Alarm System Performance in a Multi-Operator Control Room

Situation: There are three operator consoles (positions) in the same control room. There is one general alarm horn that goes off whenever a new alarm comes in from any one of the three consoles. The horn draws the attention of each of the three operators.

Question: How are the…


How Cars Relate to exida’s Site Safety Index (SSI)

How Cars Relate to exida’s Site Safety Index (SSI)

I got a new car.  The process was a bit disturbing. It took over an hour to go through the “set-up” menu. And it was suggested that I return for a second training session after spending time studying the manual and testing different settings.  I was thinking how different things…


Guest Blog: Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Failure Data

Guest Blog: Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Failure Data

Failure data collection can seem tedious, time consuming and expensive.  Just figuring out what data to collect can be challenging.  Failure data analysis can be overwhelming with a sense of “I don’t even know where to begin.”  So it is not surprising that these useful, vital activities are often neglected especially when…


Back to Basics 16 - PFDavg

Back to Basics 16 - PFDavg

PFDavg (the average Probability of Failure on Demand) is the probability that a system will fail dangerously, and not be able to perform its safety function when required. PFDavg can be determined as an average probability or maximum probability over a time period. IEC 61508 and IEC…


Why Does My Risk Assessment Require an FMEDA?

Why Does My Risk Assessment Require an FMEDA?

If you find yourself faced with this question you might be wondering why it is that having successfully used risk assessments without FMEDA your team are suddenly faced with the complexity of executing FMEDAs.

Maybe us safety people answer with a follow…


PES Refinery – CSB Initial Report

PES Refinery – CSB Initial Report

I'm sure you are aware of the preliminary findings of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Refinery explosion. If not, have a look at the video below. It is very interesting, but sad.  I think we all can learn a lot from it.