
exida explains Blog

Why Data Science Knowledge is Required in Alarm Management

Why Data Science Knowledge is Required in Alarm Management

The alarm system is a daily encounter for most operations across different industries. For oil and gas, the alarm system alerts and reminds the operation to take action(s) to revert the process back to the normal operating range. For pharmaceuticals and batch operations, the alarm system can be used…


Are You Measuring the Performance of Your SIS?

Are You Measuring the Performance of Your SIS?

I’ve been teaching our FSE100 course now for nearly 10 years and it always amazes me that when teaching the course, the number of times I find that end users in the class are not really measuring the performance of their SIS.  In most cases, they are doing…


New Year’s Resolution: Plan for OT Cybersecurity

New Year’s Resolution: Plan for OT Cybersecurity

The New Year is a great time to make resolutions, but often as the weeks pass, these resolutions fall to the back burner. A study completed in 2016 showed that less than 25% of those who set a resolution successfully followed that resolution for a year.1 When we think about…


The Perfect Match of Lockpicking and Cybersecurity

The Perfect Match of Lockpicking and Cybersecurity

First off, an introduction is in order. My name is Greg Houser, and I’m one of the new fish here at exida (no, that’s not a typo – the ‘e’ is lowercase in “exida”).  And…


To Be Meaningful & Useful Failure Rates Must Be Validated

To Be Meaningful & Useful Failure Rates Must Be Validated

Engineers and managers who work with safety equipment have likely seen a failure rate of some kind quoted for the equipment.  Some equipment even comes with a safety certification stating the failure rate given certain assumptions about how the equipment will be used.

The numbers sometimes turn out to be…


Evolution of Engineering Design – Advanced Diagnostics vs Redundancy

Evolution of Engineering Design – Advanced Diagnostics vs Redundancy

I recently studied the design changes made on the T series of old British cars (a hobby) made by the MG Company in England from 1936-1955.  Models progressed over that time period including the TA, TB, TC, TD, and TF.  I noted a strange looking two position switch on the dash…


Functional Safety Assessments – Why Aren’t They Being Done?

Functional Safety Assessments – Why Aren’t They Being Done?

It’s an interesting fact that many end users and engineering companies that I’ve talked to have not or do not undertake Functional Safety Assessments (FSAs).  Why is this?  My view is that many do not realize and/or understand the true purpose of and benefit of performing FSAs.  The IEC61511 standard identifies 5…


Getting Failure Rate Data on a New Component

Getting Failure Rate Data on a New Component

What ASIL is a software tool?

What ASIL is a software tool?

TL;DR Tools used in developing safety related automotive systems do not receive an ASIL. Some tools and the way they are used may not be suitable for the development of automotive safety electronics and this depends on the ASIL. When a tool vendor mentions an ASIL they might be…


Failure Rate Analysis Paralysis

Failure Rate Analysis Paralysis

Reliability Engineering experts know there are many variables that impact operational failure rates.  These variables even include how operations and maintenance are done at a specific site.  Sometimes it feels like there are so many variables that no realistic failure rate can ever be predicted without a few hundred hours of…


Alarm Rationalization by the Numbers

Alarm Rationalization by the Numbers

“How much time does alarm rationalization take?” 

It finally happened. Alarm management problems at the plant led to an incident and now management wants action. You have “volunteered” to put together a plan to execute alarm rationalization. You need to create a defendable estimate of how long rationalization will…


Being Prepared in Cyberspace via Threat Modelling

Being Prepared in Cyberspace via Threat Modelling

Preparedness is defined as being in a state of readiness (Webster, 2022).  This can take many different forms but when it comes to cybersecurity, a big part is knowing what threats lie in wait within the cyber landscape.  It’s difficult to prepare against threats or vulnerabilities you don’t know exist.  Being able…


Four Ways to Pick a Winning Alarm Rationalization Team

Four Ways to Pick a Winning Alarm Rationalization Team

“Who should participate in alarm rationalization?” 

It finally happened. Alarm management problems at the plant led to an incident and now management wants action. You have “volunteered” to put together a staffing plan to execute alarm rationalization. You have heard it can be a resource-intensive process, so you want…


Competency and IEC61511

Competency and IEC61511

Many of you who follow exida’s blogs and webinars will know that we often talk about the requirement for competency.  In fact, the 2016 edition of IEC61511 specifically addresses competency in more detail now than the 2003 version.  The strong emphasis on competency is because the IEC61511 committee recognized that…


Most Failures are Systematic - NOT!
  • by Dr. William Goble, CFSE
  • Wednesday, February 16, 2022
  • Certification

Most Failures are Systematic - NOT!

At exida we have studied hundreds of sets of field failure data from various sources.  Some of these data sets have indicated differences in failure rates by two orders of magnitude for the same product type!  After tracing through the data collection process for many of these field failure data sets,…