exida has discovered yet another forged functional safety certificate. You can read about another occurrence in a previous blog entry.
The company name on the forged certificate is ISP SA DE CV, Cunduacan, Tab., Mex. How could someone think this would not be checked? exida maintains a list of valid certifications on the exida Safety Automation Element List. This counterfeit certificate is not there. While I suppose it is a compliment to see that the forgers want to use exida certificates as a base to start from, they should realize that exida’s accredited scheme has a means for anyone to quickly verify the validity of any certificate.
We are in the safety business. Safety is serious and forged documentation should be considered criminal in my view.
Tagged as: Safety Automation Element List SAEL ISP SA DE CV IEC 61508 Certification IEC 61508 fake functional safety certificate Dr. William Goble