
exida explains Blog

Entries tagged with: Automotive

Have we reached peak C?

Have we reached peak C?

The C programming language has undoubtably extremely successful. It consistently ranks highly in the various rankings of most popular programming languages however these studies seem to be measured. C is not a language that is naturally suited to having safety requirements given to it. So, unsuited is it to…


ISO 26262 Independence and Related Terms

ISO 26262 Independence and Related Terms

The “ISO 26262 Road vehicles – Functional safety” specification defines the concepts of “Independence”, “Interference” and other terms which can be a little confusing. This discussion will try to make the concepts clearer.


Let’s talk about “Independence” and associated concepts first.  “Independence” is a concept used within Dependent…


Let’s Talk About Configuration Management and ISO 26262

Let’s Talk About Configuration Management and ISO 26262

Most software developers are familiar with the need for and benefits of change control. Usually change control means one thing to a software developer and that is 'commits' to a source code revision control system. Not only do small and regular commits provide significant advantages to large teams of…


MISRA Compliance Static Analysis Results for a Real-world Automotive Project

MISRA Compliance Static Analysis Results for a Real-world Automotive Project

Splint is offering to present a “special reward” to the “first person to produce a real program that produces no errors with strict checking.” Here’s a summary of a recent real-world automotive project attempting this.  

TL;DR: We were not successful, but we learned a few things about MISRA compliance. Feel free to skip to the Observations section to learn more. 


What ASIL is a software tool?

What ASIL is a software tool?

TL;DR Tools used in developing safety related automotive systems do not receive an ASIL. Some tools and the way they are used may not be suitable for the development of automotive safety electronics and this depends on the ASIL. When a tool vendor mentions an ASIL they might be…