
exida explains Blog

Entries tagged with: IEC 61508

  • by Dr. William Goble, CFSE
  • Tuesday, June 07, 2011
  • Certification

The Weakest Link

One of the objectives of new performance based standards like IEC 61508 is to allow performance metrics (like PFDavg for low demand systems) to identify the weak links in any proposed design.  Obviously, it is not necessary to put effort into design and spend money on areas…


Too Good to be True

A.K.A You’re About to Severely Under-Design your SIF and Put your People at Risk. Twice this week alone, and much more often than I like to remember, I’ve had safety system designers blindly follow certificates that contain data that simply cannot be true. They get a certificate from…


  • by Michael Medoff , CFSE, CISA
  • Thursday, November 29, 2012
  • Certification

Tool Qualification and Safety Standards

When building a product such as an anti-lock braking system for an automobile, or a railroad, or process control safety system, making sure that the product works as specified is a big part of functional safety. When it is time for the system to engage to prevent an accident,…


  • by Dave Butler, CFSE
  • Wednesday, July 10, 2013
  • Software

Tracing and Validation Test Planning

Please see the first entry of the Requirements Management blog series here

Please see the second entry of the Requirements Management blog series here

So, you have a set of detailed safety requirements.  You have derived them down to a level of detail you feel spells out…


Welcome to my world
  • by John Yozallinas, CFSE
  • Sunday, October 02, 2016
  • Certification

Welcome to my world

Sure, you might think I’ve got it made… sitting here on my perch telling you what you need to do to meet IEC 61508, while you sit there with all the work to do.  Well, it wasn’t always that way.  I was in your shoes, responsible for achieving functional…


What do you need to know about traceability for IEC 61508?
  • by John Yozallinas, CFSE
  • Thursday, October 26, 2017

What do you need to know about traceability for IEC 61508?

Traceability is about connecting the dots to determine that the web of activities for a functional safety project have followed the proper paths.  Think of it like cheating at hide-n-seek; it provides a shortcut to find all those requirements and design parts that are hidden in your specification documents. …


What Good is a Safety Manual?

What Good is a Safety Manual?

Many products have options and features that are valuable to users.  But not all these features should be permitted while the product is performing a safety function.  For example, HART communications should not be permitted to write data to a transmitter while it’s performing the safety function.  If you…


What is a “House Certificate?”
  • by Dr. William Goble, CFSE
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2014
  • Certification

What is a “House Certificate?”

exida was recently auditing a systems level project per IEC 61511.  During such audits we check to verify that all equipment used in a safety instrumented function meets systematic capability by either IEC 61508 certification OR justification per reasonable IEC 61511 “prior use” criteria.  Most engineers at…


What is a FMEDA?

What is a FMEDA?

In the 1980’s, there was a raging debate in the functional safety committee about redundancy versus diagnostics. Some said functional safety could only be achieved with redundant systems. This was strongly supported by Triple Modular Redundant (2oo3) safety PLC vendors. 

Others argued that diagnostics would be an equal or…


What is Competency Anyway?

What is Competency Anyway?

I’ve been following some discussions from one of the online forums regarding competency and it’s clear from the correspondence that the issue of competency is still very subjective.  It made me think about “what is competency?” To me it’s a blend of knowledge and experience and just how well…


What is SIL (Safety Integrity Level)?
  • by Dr. William Goble, CFSE
  • Thursday, April 08, 2021
  • Certification

What is SIL (Safety Integrity Level)?

The term SIL is rapidly spreading to Request for Proposals (RFP) and purchase requirements in many industries.  But in many of those industries, few have heard about SIL and fewer have a grasp of the fundamental concepts of SIL.  SIL is a term that means Safety Integrity Level. It is used…


When is a Variable Frequency Drive a SIS?

It used to be that a pump would operate at a single speed dictated by a motor, thus fixing the pump curve. As the discharge flow decreased due to a restriction downstream, the pump outlet pressure would increase reaching its deadhead pressure. If the downstream piping and vessels were…


Where Do You Stand with Functional Safety?
  • by Loren Stewart, CFSE
  • Thursday, February 21, 2019

Where Do You Stand with Functional Safety?

This year, make your New Year’s resolution safety! 

Take a moment this year and think about where you currently stand with functional safety. And actually, be honest with yourself. REALLY honest. Do you proof test on time, or does it sometimes get pushed out? Do you pull your devices…


Which Edition of IEC 61508 is Relevant to Me?

Simply stated, the 2nd edition of IEC 61508 is the relevant standard for newly developed products and new certifications.  This represents the current best practices on functional safety techniques and measures, and is what the marketplace expects for today’s products. 

Renewed certifications can use the 1st edition of…


Who needs sliced bread?  We’ve got ARCHx!
  • by John Yozallinas, CFSE
  • Tuesday, December 04, 2018
  • Software

Who needs sliced bread?  We’ve got ARCHx!

I’ve heard this phrase so many times in my life… “<Something> is the best thing since sliced bread.” I personally can’t remember a time when sliced bread was not available, but I certainly remember going to the deli and having them use the slicing machine before handing me a bag…


Who’s Driving Your Process?
  • by John Yozallinas, CFSE
  • Thursday, August 18, 2016
  • Certification

Who’s Driving Your Process?

When I start working with new customers for IEC 61508 certification projects, it’s easy to understand why they might not have a compliant development process for functional safety:  they’ve never done it before!  They understand their market and their products, but they need help to understand the…


  • by Iwan van Beurden, CFSE
  • Tuesday, January 17, 2012
  • Certification

Why am I not on “the list?”

Why Do We Need You?

This was a question posed to me by an engineering contractor the other day.  Although I found the question quite strange, it made me think “okay, why do they need us?”  I suppose there are a few answers:

  1. Regarding the end user perspective, we exist to provide an independent third-party…


Why Does My Risk Assessment Require an FMEDA?

Why Does My Risk Assessment Require an FMEDA?

If you find yourself faced with this question you might be wondering why it is that having successfully used risk assessments without FMEDA your team are suddenly faced with the complexity of executing FMEDAs.

Maybe us safety people answer with a follow…


Why is Safety Certification So Tough?
  • by John Yozallinas, CFSE
  • Thursday, January 04, 2018
  • Certification

Why is Safety Certification So Tough?

Some organizations complain about the ‘high bar’ to comply with 61508.  They complain that there is too much overhead in documentation and testing, and it all costs too much.  Other organizations actually benefit from this ‘high bar’ as a barrier to entry for competitors.  This is a differentiation factor…