
exida explains Blog

Entries tagged with: IPL

Challenge the LOPA - 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion
  • by Denise Chastain Knight, P.E., CFSE, CCPSC
  • Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • Functional Safety

Challenge the LOPA - 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion

On the 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion, let’s pause to reflect on one of the lessons learned from this disaster. The process had multiple layers of protection, including operating procedures, BPCS control and alarms, independent alarms, and relief devices.  There was additional instrumentation…


How do You Compare?

Industry Benchmark Survey on Alarms as Safeguards and Independent Protection Layers (IPLs)

exida recently conducted an industry benchmark survey on the practices for the use of alarms as safeguards and IPLs. With over 200 safety practitioners from around the world providing responses, you can use the survey findings to…


The Crossroads of Alarm Management and Process Safety

The Crossroads of Alarm Management and Process Safety

When is an Independent Protection Layer (IPL) Not a Safeguard?

We are going to continue discussing the results from exida’s recently published industry benchmark survey on the practices for the use of alarms as safeguards and IPLs. Over 200 safety practitioners from around the world provided responses. This entry will discuss the relationship between alarms identified as safeguards and…


Why Do We Need You?

This was a question posed to me by an engineering contractor the other day.  Although I found the question quite strange, it made me think “okay, why do they need us?”  I suppose there are a few answers:

  1. Regarding the end user perspective, we exist to provide an independent third-party…