
exida explains Blog

Entries tagged with: LOPA

Are You Ready For What’s Coming?

Are You Ready For What’s Coming?

If you’re like me then you’ve been waiting for the new draft of IEC 61511 to be officially issued since its release has been delayed for some time.  However, a draft has been released and can help in preparing end users for what’s to come.  The question…


Challenge the LOPA - 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion
  • by Denise Chastain Knight, P.E., CFSE, CCPSC
  • Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • Functional Safety

Challenge the LOPA - 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion

On the 10th anniversary of the BP Texas City Refinery explosion, let’s pause to reflect on one of the lessons learned from this disaster. The process had multiple layers of protection, including operating procedures, BPCS control and alarms, independent alarms, and relief devices.  There was additional instrumentation…


Functional Safety in Mining: Does it Apply?

Functional Safety in Mining: Does it Apply?

This is an important question.  Mining today is a lot more modernized and automated than in the past, yet there are still accidents occurring.  The Impala hoist accident in South Africa in November of 2023 is an example, where there was a tragic loss of life when the hoist…


How do You Compare?

Industry Benchmark Survey on Alarms as Safeguards and Independent Protection Layers (IPLs)

exida recently conducted an industry benchmark survey on the practices for the use of alarms as safeguards and IPLs. With over 200 safety practitioners from around the world providing responses, you can use the survey findings to…


How Good Is Your Functional Safety Management?

How Good Is Your Functional Safety Management?

How the PHA and LOPA are going to affect your SIS

How the PHA and LOPA are going to affect your SIS

Both Process Safety Analysis (PHA) and Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) occur in the early stage of the Functional Safety Lifecycle, detailed in both IEC 61511 and IEC 61508. They both serve significant roles in the whole process safety management. Yet, as a facilitator…


LOPAx™: This is Awesome!
  • by Iwan van Beurden, CFSE
  • Thursday, April 30, 2015
  • Software

LOPAx™: This is Awesome!

You will probably not hear me sing the LEGO® Movie’s “Everything is Awesome” song, I’ll keep that private (and you should be thankful to me for that). However as we just released the LOPAx™ module of the new exSILentia® v4 platform, I have come to…


PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Practical SIL Target Selection - Risk Analysis per the IEC 61511 Safety Lifecycle

Risk Management in the News

Risk Management in the News

I just read a great article in the May issue of IEEE Spectrum magazine called “Managing Risk and Responsibility During a Crisis.”  The author Robert N. Charette says “If the American people desire the federal government to be their risk manager of first resort, then an open and…


To Spreadsheet…or NOT to Spreadsheet
  • by Dr. William Goble, CFSE
  • Thursday, September 03, 2015
  • Software

To Spreadsheet…or NOT to Spreadsheet

I remember the first time I ever saw a spreadsheet program. It was called “VisiCalc" and ran on a Commodore PET computer. My first thought was, “What is that good for?” Then I tried it and was totally hooked. I conclude that the creation of the spreadsheet has changed…


When is an Independent Protection Layer (IPL) Not a Safeguard?

We are going to continue discussing the results from exida’s recently published industry benchmark survey on the practices for the use of alarms as safeguards and IPLs. Over 200 safety practitioners from around the world provided responses. This entry will discuss the relationship between alarms identified as safeguards and…


Why Do We Need You?

This was a question posed to me by an engineering contractor the other day.  Although I found the question quite strange, it made me think “okay, why do they need us?”  I suppose there are a few answers:

  1. Regarding the end user perspective, we exist to provide an independent third-party…