Look at the photo. What do you see? I see a ball valve with:
- a valve body
- a ball
- a stem that can turn the ball
What are the high level potential failures for a ball valve?
- Stem stuck, can no longer turn (dangerous) …
Look at the photo. What do you see? I see a ball valve with:
What are the high level potential failures for a ball valve?
Look at the picture. What do you see? I see a spring return actuator with
What are the high level potential failures for a ball valve?
exida has discovered yet another forged functional safety certificate. You can read about another occurrence in a previous blog entry.
The company name on the forged certificate is ISP SA DE CV, Cunduacan, Tab., Mex. How could someone…
A manufacturer whose product passes the exida IEC 61508 Assessment Scheme will receive a certificate based on IEC 61508 and perhaps other functional safety standards. There is a significant amount of information on a certificate that may not be always trivial for a novice. This document explains how one…