The term SIL is rapidly spreading to Request for Proposals (RFP) and purchase requirements in many industries. But in many of those industries, few have heard about SIL and fewer have a grasp of the fundamental concepts of SIL. SIL is a term that means Safety Integrity Level. It is used in most Functional Safety standards including several industry specific standards. The common usage implies those purchasing a device, product, or system want IEC 61508 (et. al.) certification. How can an engineering manager gain a quick understanding of the basic concepts? exida has many resources including white papers and webinars. But our new course AN INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL SAFETY concentrates the basics into a two hour series of ten recorded presentations available on-demand. Anyone wanting to quickly cover the basics to keep your sales team, management, etc. out of trouble on a new project, you need to spend a couple of lunch hours with this course.
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exida IEC 61508 Functional Safety Certification services
Tagged as: william goble SIL Safety integrity Level IEC 61508 Functional Safety