John Cusimano, exida Director of Security Services, will be presenting at a Control Systems Security Workshop, hosted by Public Safety Canada and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The workshop will be held November 22-23, 2011 in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Please see below for more information regarding the presentation.
Title: “Evaluating the Safety and Security of Automation Products & Systems”
Numerous standards have been published providing guidance to operators of industrial plants on how to establish and operate a security management system in their facility. While it is well accepted that end-users (i.e. asset owners, plant operators, etc.) are ultimately responsible for the safety and security of their facilities, it is also well understood that they are heavily dependent upon their automation system suppliers to achieve their goals.
As such, end-users are seeking assurance that their automation products, systems and suppliers meet an industry recognized baseline for cyber security so they can use this information to improve the overall security of their operations. However, most end-users don’t have the resources necessary to perform such evaluations themselves and thus have been supporting the development of standardized cyber security certification programs.
This presentation will review a general methodology to evaluate the safety, security and reliability of industrial automation and control system products, systems and suppliers that incorporates a combination testing, design analysis and audits of supplier practices. The presentation will also discuss the current status of industry efforts to establish standardized cyber security certification programs and examine the relationship of these programs to the aforementioned general methodology.