FSE 103 - CFSE / CFSP Exam Preparation Workshop | exida

exida Academy Training

CFSE / CFSP Exam Preparation Workshop

Course Code: FSE 103

Course Description:

exida is offering an online, instructor led, half-day workshop to help students prepare for the CFSE/CFSP exam.  The workshop will be split into:

  • A refresher on the key concepts of IEC61511
  • Sample exercises to be completed
  • Instructor-led review of the questions and answers
  • Q&A session

Participants will need to make sure they have a copy of IEC61511 and the relevant sections of IEC61508 (see CFSE website for more information on what sections are required for the exam).  Workshop handouts will be provided online as pdf files.

What You Will Learn

  • To revise and prepare to take the CFSE/CFSP exam
  • Get a feel for the type of questions that could come up in the exam
  • Have access to an instructor to ask pertinent questions/clarifications
  • How to effectively manage your time during the exam: the dos and don’ts
  • What you can and can’t bring into the exam

Who Should Attend

  • Anyone planning on taking the CFSE/CFSP exam
  • Anyone who’s already taken the FSE100 course

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