FSE 107 Functional Safety For Managers – Overview Course- January 29, 2025 -Online LIVE Streaming | exida

exida Academy Training

FSE 107 - Functional Safety For Managers – Overview Course

Jan 29, 2025 - Online - Live Streaming - Half-Days

STATUS: Registration Open (Subject to Cancellation)

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Venue Details

Online - Live Streaming - Half-Days

There will be live interaction with instructor. Email academy@exida.com (for US) or landerson@exida.com (for UK) course times.

Please read our Cancellation and Reschedule Policy before signing up for any course.

Course Description:

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of functional safety to help managers/supervisors with responsibility for oversight of Safety Instrumented Systems and/or Safety. gain an understanding of functional and/or process safety requirements. Process safety is driven by corporate culture, where a poor corporate safety culture is often not aligned with functional safety requirements.  A good corporate safety culture better aligns with functional safety requirements, such as encouraging openness, fostering a learning culture and implementing functional safety management, all of which have a direct bearing on process safety.  

Incorrect or missing input information, insufficient resources, lack of facilitator or team skills, and poor communication between disciplines can each lead to severe under-design and/or over-design problems. These problems can cost large amounts of money and sometimes even lives, yet they can usually be prevented by rational and meticulous application of the relatively basic functional safety management techniques presented in the course. 

  • In particular, this course covers: 
  • The concepts of the safety life cycle (IEC 61511-2016 and IEC 61508)  
  • The basic principles of risk and risk management 
  • Taking an integrated risk management approach 
  • The importance of Corporate Culture and Functional Safety 
  • The importance of Functional Safety Management (FSM) 
  • Understanding managements responsibilities for FSM 
  • The need to conduct Functional Safety Assessments (FSA) and Functional Safety Audits 
  • The need to define roles and responsibilities 
  • Defining processes and procedures 
  • Functional Safety and Mechanical Integrity applied to SIS 
  • Applicability of FSM to both retrofit and green field projects  
  • Putting it all together 

What you will learn: 

  • Overview of the Safety Lifecycle requirements 
  • Principles of risk management and the need to implement FSM planning, in order to be able to manage safety lifecycle tasks  
  • The role corporate culture plays in implementing Functional Safety 
  • Developing Functional Safety Management (FSM) processes and procedures that are easily understood and followed, to manage and maintain functional safety 
  • Having a well-defined and implemented Functional Safety Management Plan (FSMP), with the accompanying functional safety audits and functional safety assessments to ensure compliance with IEC61511 
  • Defining roles, responsibilities, and competencies of those individuals with key safety lifecycle responsibilities 
  • Defining Leading and Lagging Indicators for management to track and monitor performance to maintain functional safety 
  • Understanding the importance of preventative maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in maintaining safety; 

Who Should attend: 

  • Plant managers 
  • Maintenance managers and supervisors 
  • Operations managers and supervisors