How Effective are the Proof Tests of your Final Elements? | exida

exida Recorded Webinars

How Effective are the Proof Tests of your Final Elements?

Recording Date: February 2017

Most engineers who design and verify safety instrumented functions (SIFs) understand how hard it is to design a manual proof test with high effectiveness (also called high proof test coverage).

Proof test coverage is an important variable in Safety Instrumented System design that can impact risk reduction by an entire SIL level. This is shown in PFDavg calculations.

Everyone in functional safety will tell you that “safety” will vary from site to site, let alone manufacturer to manufacturer. We will start the webinar with the exida approach to unravelling these safety differences.

This webinar will explain proof test coverage, why this is an important safety parameter, and show that the real objective is to detect failures NOT detected by automatic diagnostics. The seminar will explain how proof test coverage is calculated and show several examples of proof test procedures along with the test coverage.

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About the Presenter:

Loren Stewart, CFSE

Loren Stewart Loren Stewart graduated from Virginia Tech with a BSME. She has over 10 years of professional experience. She currently works for exida consulting as a safety engineer, focusing on the mechanical aspects of their customers. Along with assessing the safety of products and creating FMEDAs and reports, she researches stiction and is creating a database for the 2H initiative according to IEC 61508.