High and Continuous Demand LOPA Considerations | exida

exida Recorded Webinars

High and Continuous Demand LOPA Considerations

Recording Date: April 2022

Using Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for low demand scenarios in process safety applications is relatively straightforward. Recently LOPA is also being applied more and more to high demand and continuous mode safety functions as functional safety practices expand into machine automation. Using semi quantitative risk analysis techniques such as LOPA, can add a lot of value to high demand and continuous mode risk analysis. However, there are a number of potential issues which must be properly handled to avoid dangerous mistakes. This webinar will focus on how to correctly apply LOPA to high demand and continuous mode safety function risk analysis and manage these issues. The webinar will also provide guidance on how LOPA fits in with the requirements of the various safety standards and other risk analysis methods.

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About the Presenter:

Dr. Eric Scharpf, CFSE

Eric Scharpf Eric Scharpf has over thirty years of professional experience and is widely recognized as an expert in process and machine safety applications. He has led many safety lifecycle projects in a wide range of areas and has done a number of corresponding independent functional safety assessments and certifications. He has developed and teaches several of the exida functional safety engineering courses and is the technical lead for the consulting business in Australasia. He has published numerous reviewed journal articles as well as leading textbooks on SIL target selection, LOPA, risk analysis, and HAZOP. He has also worked across the various areas of research and development, project execution, and operations / manufacturing efficiency, safety, and reliability.