When a person makes the decision to participate in a certificate or certification program, it is a bigger decision and accomplishment than one may realize. This decision “labels” or “brands” themselves into a core group of practitioners, specialists, professionals, or experts. The title one achieves will now follow that individual on their future work, their signature in every email, and on all of their social media platforms. So what happens if your brand, that you worked hard to achieve, becomes tarnished, changes, or loses value? Does the person who carries this title also lose its value. In short, the answer is YES.
Personnel programs may be dropped by the certification body.
A few weeks ago, we heard that a personnel certificate program from Europe may be terminating their program. The uncertainties were concerning and we decided to help. This webinar will go over some of the information that we have learned thus far about this personnel certification body and what the CFSE program is proactively doing to help all those effected by this change.